The goal of this blogspot is for those seeking to establish a Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) that target Deaf and those with hearing loss living in the former USSR countries and satellites that lack local services to provide resources and information on education, employment, civic and human rights. Or, this can be added to a CBR in an area with identified deaf children.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

deaf parliament member in Nepal

news from WFD..

Nepal - Former President of Nepal National Federation of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (NFDH), Raghav Bir Joshi elected to be the member of parliament

It is with wonderful news that the former President of NFDH Mr. Raghav Bir Joshi was elected to be a member of parliament for the Constitutional Assembly meeting for a two-year period, which is the first time in history in Nepal and also for the Asian region that a Deaf person is elected for the parliament. WFD wishes the best of luck for him in advocacy for the human rights of Deaf persons in Nepal.

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