An appeal for you to help deaf people who have been harmed by a terrible storm in Myanmar (South East Asia) formerly known as Burma (KB edit). Fortunately, we have a way to get your donation directly to deaf people there. During Cyclone Nagris, millions of people lost their homes and property. More than 100,000 people have died, and disease and starvation isspreading. As aid slowly arrives, deaf people are at the "end of the line", as they are judged of low value in that society. (Only 5% sent to school,few jobs, no interpreters). Please join us in donating.
From Paul Dudis, Richard Lytle, Sam Weber, OwenWrigley, and Charles & Jum Reilly. Help us show Myanmar that deaf people are as deserving as others... The donations will be collected by "Partners In Excellence", a charitableorganization helping deaf people around the world. Its founder, Richard Lytle, will ensure that the monies are sent to Myanmar swiftly.
Today please: 1. Write a check to "Partners in Excellence." Put 'for Myanmar' on byline of check. 2. Bring check to Charles Reilly (HMBS 422), Richard Lytle (CO 203), or PaulDudis (Fowler).
Or mail to Partners in Excellence, 4300 Tuckerman Street, University Park,MD 20782, USA 3.
Or send your donation on-line via PayPal to
Who will receive my donation? Your donation will be sent by Partners In Excellence to Dr. Owen Wrigley, arelief worker, in Myanmar. He will collaborate with Mr. S'Dow Mwight, aDeaf teacher and community leader, in identifying deaf people who wereimpacted by the cyclone. They will send video clips back to Gallaudet to show who gets your donation.
Is it urgent to act today? YES. From today's New York Times: "The situation has worsened in just two days," one shocked aid volunteer said as crowds of children mobbed his vehicle, their grimy hands reaching throughthe window for scraps of bread and clothing" and "Many cyclone refugees,crammed into monasteries, schools and temporary shelters after thedevastating storm, have gone down with diarrhea, dysentery and skininfections....It's time to deliver aid to save lives."
Please help now.
==================== A collaboration of Partners In Excellence: Empowering people- Changing the World
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